Ella's Farm Blog

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  1. The sheep that are due to lamb are now inside the farm building keeping warm and dry.  They are having provin twice a day with free access to silo.   They were scanned a few weeks ago.. There are a lot expecting triplets!

    We have planted a large copper beech tree in the pasture across from our house at the weekend in memory of my grandad who died in October.  We also burried his ashes alongside the tree too.  He was 89 when he died suddenly.   You may have seen him mowing the grass by the house sometimes.  He loved coming up to our house to potter about and help us and as he used to drive plant machinery before he retired he helped dig out for the caravan site in 2014 on a hired digger.    The tree is well fenced off to stop the rabbits and deer eating it!



    A couple of months ago, James's girlfriend Mya bought a border collie pup, who she has named 'Nelly'.  When the pup is around 4-5 months old she will start training to be a sheep dog.  Things are looking promising already as she is sitting and lying down to call and also sitting and watching the sheep through the fence!

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