Ella's Farm Blog


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Last years muck (sheep manure/bedding from the shed) that has been piled up with the grass cuttings has rotted well so this has been spread on the fields this week.   We should have had it spread a few weeks ago however the ground has been so wet it wasn't possible to drive the tractor on the land.  We have also had some of the fields sprayed with liquid nitrogren too.  Hopefully the grass will grow now the weather is much warmer.

The sheep and lambs are all in the fields now, they love the brighter days for relaxing and chewing their cud.  The lambs have access to creep feed from a feeder that they can fit their heads into and can come and go as they want eating it.

A couple of weeks ago we had the worm count on the sheep taken. This is done by collecting 10 samples of fresh dung from around the sheep in bags and taking to the vets for them to check the % and type of worms present,  there wasn't any worms or fluke present.  By doing this first instead of just drenching them you have a better chance of the sheep been resistant to the drench as well as spending time and money drenching them when you don't need to.    But as a few lambs had got dirty bottoms, we drenched the lambs with wormer and they have dried up now and are looking really well.   This last weekend we drenced the sheep and lambs with multi vitamins and put them through a routine footbath.


Muck spreading

sunbathing sheep

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